Customizable Circle Rug

Personalized (max. 28 characters):
Image intended as a preview; real rug may differ slightly!
This rug is designed to be personalized with whatever your heart desires! Perfect for names, initials, and messages of love :).

Our machine-washable rugs are handmade by artisans in Brazil using non-toxic dyes on super soft, super durable organic cotton. Each and every rug is one of a kind, so expect (and, we say, embrace!) the natural variations that come with that.
designed for kids (and parents too)

Our machine-washable rugs are made to be durable (see: spilt milk, tiny toddler feet) and design forward (think: cheery colors, minimal motifs).

100% organic cotton with non-toxic dyes
Machine Washable
Machine washable for life with kids
Handmade by artisans in Brazil
about our rugs

Loomed with love and kind to the earth

Our rugs are hand-loomed in Brazil by local artisans with over twenty years of experience. While the artisans follow a certain pattern, each rug is the handiwork of that artisan — and therefore truly one of a kind. After being loomed, each rug is hand-treated, trimmed and then sent from Brazil directly to you.
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