Kit the Dog
Positive, passionate and fearless
Sophie the Strawberry
Sweet and nurturing
Donnie the Donkey
Authentic and sweet
Benji the Broccoli
Trustworthy and easygoing
Finn the Pig
Lively and sincere
Henry the Whale
A big-hearted, loyal explorer
Robbie the Rabbit
Witty, fun-loving & enthusiastic
Hugo the Elephant
Thoughtful, silly & wise
Otto the Duck
Playful, engaged & celebratory
Alice the Swan
Graceful, generous & loving
Stella the Astronaut
Passionate, brave & tenderhearted
Parker the Snail
An adventurous, inventive creative spirit
Frankie the Turtle
Steady, clever & empathetic
Piper the Mushroom
A caring, optimistic dreamer
Eddie the Lion
Warm, connective & loves to laugh
Lizzy the Duck
Bubbly, nurturing & social
Ivy the Giraffe
Curious, confident & motivated
Meet Our Little Animals
Make a new best friend—handmade with 100% cotton, linen and love.